React JS lifecycle Hooks

A lifecycle hook provides a specified amount of time (one hour by default) to wait for the action to complete before the instance transitions to the next state React JS lifecycle Hooks. The React JS lifecycle Hooks component lifecycle can be divided into three main phases: 

Mounting, Updating and Unmounting. Each phase has various methods invoked at specific points in the component’s lifecycle.

Hooks allow function components to have access to state and other React features. Because of this, class components are generally no longer needed. Although Hooks generally replace class components, there are no plans to remove classes from React.

here are the main ones:

  1. componentWillMount: This method is called just before the component is inserted into the DOM. It’s rarely used and is often better replaced with componentDidMount.
  2. componentDidMount: This method is called after the component has been inserted into the DOM. It’s commonly used for data fetching, setting up event listeners, or interacting with the DOM.
  3. componentWillReceiveProps: Called when the component is receiving new props. It’s deprecated in favor of the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method, as it can lead to subtle bugs.
  4. shouldComponentUpdate: Used to control if the component should re-render. It can be used to optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders.
  5. componentWillUpdate: Called just before the component is re-rendered, similar to componentWillMount. It’s less commonly used.
  6. componentDidUpdate: Invoked immediately after the component’s updates are flushed to the DOM. It’s used for performing side effects after a component updates.
  7. componentWillUnmount: Called just before the component is removed from the DOM. It’s used for cleanup, like removing event listeners.
  8. componentDidCatch: Introduced in React JS 16, this method is used to catch errors in components below the current one in the component tree.

Please note that these lifecycle methods are specific to class components and have become somewhat obsolete with the introduction of function components and hooks in more recent versions of React.

If you’re working with the newer React versions, consider using functional components and hooks like useEffect to manage component lifecycle and state. Hooks offer a more declarative and flexible way to handle component logic.



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